
Posts Tagged ‘best life ever’

Do you deserve it?

Without realizing it we become accustomed to the life we are living. We become comfortable with living from paycheck to paycheck. We are familiar with destructive relationships, jobs that suck, bodies that are not performing they way they were meant because we abuse them nicotine, alcohol, drugs and junk food. We are so comfortable with misery that it doesn’s even seem like misery anymore. Its just life and we deal with it. We squeeze in some fun here and there but most of the time its NOT the life we imagined or ever wanted for ourselves. One day watching a christian tv program about dreaming big dreams it dawned on me that I didn’t have to stay STUCK in the life I was living. Like most everything it all started with a decision. I changed my mind-set about me and my life. I wanted more. A lot more. I deserved the best. I was not living in my true identity as a child of God. Romans 8:17 says Now if we are children, then we are heirs- heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ, if indeed we share in his sufferings in order that we may also share in his glory. I have said it before and I will say it again You are a child of the King. The promises of God to Abraham are carried over to us under the New Covenant that according to Gal. 3:29 If you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise. If you don’t know what God promised Abraham then read it in Genesis 12:2-3.
If you are like me then maybe you grew up in an enviroment that didn’t celebrate you or maybe at the most you accepted just being tolerated. Getting older it then became easier to see yourself as a flop, a failure and to attract people and situations that pretty much were in agreement with what YOU thought and what YOU said to yourself. It took a long time of staring at the truth before I really saw the truth. When indeed I knew the truth and continued in the truth made me free. I must admit that staying is free is something I still have to choose. Maybe your situation and circumstances are not so detrimental that YOU desire to have more of what Christ has made available to you. Maybe you think things are not bad or even that some people have it worse so you don’t want to be selfish in wanting more. I know that there are people that have it worse off than me and I pray that the Holy Spirit comes to them with the same revelation knowledge that Christ came to me with that we may have life and have it more abundantly. That being said I am determined that I want and will have all that God means for me to have in my life. I will in all I do  Seek first the kingdom of heaven and all things will be added unto me. In my learning, growing, developing I want to share it with everyone that I can. So I speak in the name and authority as a believer in Jesus Christ that YOU deserve to have the life YOU want and may have never thought to possible. Even if know no ever told you that or even if you never believed it to be possible accept that the fact today that everything is possible for YOU that believes. We are overcomers. We are mountain movers. We are kingdom people. Stop accepting the small things in life. It doesn’t fit. My Bishops says average is just the top of the bottom. I pray that the favor of God surround you. I pray that the blessing of the Lord overtake you. Be Blessed. Manie


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